The Three Little Pigs (Revised)
By: Stephanie Lo

First, there's Pig  1. Pig  1's favorite color is blue.

Here are Pig  2 and Pig  3. Pig  2's favorite color is red, and Pig  3's favorite color is purple.

Pig  1's hobby is reading. He likes to read all sorts of books. He likes fairy tales, novels, mystery books, and many other genres!

Pig 2 and Pig 3 like sports. They don't like to read, because they like being in the outdoors. Sometimes, they made fun of Pig 1 because he read inside all the time.

One day, it started to rain. It started out as just a little bit of sprinkles, so Pig 2 and Pig 3 could stay outside and play. But then the rain started to come down harder, and they were forced to go inside.

So all three pigs had to stay inside because Pig 2 and Pig 3 couldn't go outside to play. Instead, they joined Pig 1, who was reading. Pig 2 and Pig 3 watched Pig 1 read, but were very bored since they were not doing anything.

Pig 1 invited Pig 2 and Pig 3 to read with him. At first, Pig 2 and Pig 3 laughed at the idea. But then, they realized they were bored and had nothing else to do. So they all started reading together.....



Pig 2 and Pig 3 realized that they enjoyed reading a lot! And from then on, they liked to spend more time with Pig 1. They also brought Pig 1 outside to play sports. And Pig 1 realized that he really liked playing sports--especially soccer! From then on, the three little pigs spent all their time together, both reading and playing outside.

All three pigs realized that they enjoyed other activities, but they just had to try it first! THE END.