Become a Peace Builder

Written by: Alicia Rescigno

  • Getting Started

  • What is a Peace Builder?

  • I pledge to give up put downs.

  • I pledge to seek wise people.

  • I pledge to notice and speak up about hurts I have caused.

  • I pledge to right wrongs.

  • I pledge to help others.

  • I pledge to build peace at home, at school and in my community each day.

  • Glossary


This book is about how you can become a Peace Builder and where you should pledge to build peace in your community.

A Peace Builder is a person who spreads peace everywhere. They take a leadership role in building peace in their schools, community and at home. Every day, you should pledge to yourself and those around you that you will spread peace! Your first pledge is...

You're Mean. Go Away!


Instead of putting someone down (calling them names), find ways of talking to them about the problem you may be having. Use words that will help them understand how you are feeling. If you can't seem to talk, find an adult to help you.

When you seek wise people, you are spending time with people who encourage you. Stay away from those who put you down and call you names. If you can't avoid these people, try to work it out with kind words. If this still doesn't help, find an adult to help you.

" I'm sorry."


Saying sorry can be quite difficult, but when you apologize for hurting someone else, you are demonstrating to that person you care. When you apologize, you are showing that person you are willing to move on and learn from your mistakes.

If you see someone doing something wrong, correct them. You know what it is like to be a peace builder, so make sure others are following the same rules. If they won't listen to you, find an adult to help you.

Helping others is an act of kindness. When you help others, they will recognize your acts and may come to you for help in the future. The more you help others, the better you will feel about yourself and those around you.

A Peace Builder pledges to help build peace wherever they go. When you go home, continue to build peace with your family. When you are with friends, continue to build peace with them too. The more you build peace, the more your family and friends will do the same!

Apology- a statement that one is sorry for something.

Approach- to come or go near to

Avoid- to keep away from

Community- an area where a group of people live

Continually- going on without stopping

Demonstrate- to show

Discuss- to talk together about

Encourage- to give hope or courage to

Faults- something wrong with a thing or person that causes problems for someone or something else.

Generous- willing to give or share

Insincere- showing false or dishonest feelings

Insults- to speak to or treat without respect or in a way that hurts feelings

Leadership Role- lead a group/ person

Peace Builder- a person who spreads peace throughout

Put downs- hurtful words or actions towards another person

Reconcile- overcome differences

Sincere- genuine, true

Wise- smart, inteligent 


All words and definitions are from

This book was illustrated by:


jannoon028, digitalart, Simon Howden and Stuart Miles
