The Scientific Method

How to Conduct a Scientific Experiment

by: Brett Armstrong

  • Prediction

  • Hypothesis

  • Conduct the Experiment

  • Data

  • Analyze Your Results

  • Conclusion


Prerequisites - Read Before Continuing!

Before beginning an experiment, students must have a general knowledge of experiment safety, how to use the tools of their particular experiment, how to graph and record data, and have a general knowlege of the subject are which will allow them to make  an intellectual theory and to test that theory. 

Step 1 - Define the Problem

The first step of an experiment is to define the problem. This is where you will determine the question which you are attempting to answer with the experiment. The problem should be well defined and written in a way which can be definitively tested.

Step 2  - Develop a Hypothesis

A hypothesis is an educated guess at what you think the outcome of the experiment will be. This should be researched and thought out. The purpos of the hypothesis is to have a definite theory to prove or disprove with the experiment.

Step 3 - Conduct the Experiment

The next step is to conduct the experiment. Develop an experiment which tests the hypothesis from the previous step. Be sure to keep all variables constant except for the one being tested. Outline the steps you take for conducting the experiment. 

Step 4 - Record Data

Once the experiment is completed, record your data. If it helps to portray the results, include graphs, tables, or images.

Step 5 - Analyze Your Results

Analyze your results by comparing them to your hypothesis. If they disprove your hyposthesis, take note, adjust your hypothesis, and retry the experiment. If they prove your hypothesis, move on to the conclusion. 

Step 6 - Conclusion

Once you have proved your hypothesis, write a conclusion of your findings. Include the answer to your problem from step one, how it proves your hypothesis, and what it means practically. Once you have done this, you have successfully completed an experiment using the scientific method!