Formulas for volume:

cube: V = s³

rectangular prism: V = lwh or Bh

cylinder: V = ∏r²h or Bh

pyramid: V = 1/3 Bh


rectangular base: B = lw


Volume of a Cube

The volume of a solid is the measure of space occupied by it.

V = lwh

V = 2·2·2

V = 8

The volume is 8 cubes.

Practice: Find the volume of a cube that is 5 cubes X 5 cubes X 5 cubes.


Volume of a Rectagular Prism

The volume V of a rectangular prism is the area of the base B times the height h. It is also the length l, the width w and the heigth h.

V = Bh or V = lwh


V = lwh

V = 5·4·3

V = 60

The volume is 60 cubic centimeters.

Practice: Find the volume of a prism that is 2 inches by 4 inches by 3 inches.

Volume of a Cylinder

The volume V of a cylinder is pie times radius squared times height h.


V = h

V = 3.14·12²·30

V = 13,564.8

The volume is 13,564.8 cm³.

Practice: Find the volume of a cylinder that is 24 inches tall  by 10 inches wide.

Volume of a Pyramid

The volume V of a pyramid is 1/3 times the area of the base B times height h.

V = 1/3 lwh

V= 1/3 10·10·10

V= 333.33

The volume is 333.33 cm³.

Practice: Find the volume of a pyramid that has a base 3 feet by 3 feet and is 6 feet tall.



page 3     125 cu

page 4     24 in³

page 5     1,884.9 in³

page 6     18 ft³