What's for Lunch?

By Lindsey Franklin

Lamar University 

EDLD 5364 

A food chain  is a community of animals where each animal is eaten in turn by another animal for energy. All food chains begin with the sun. The suns energy is passed down through each animal supplying that animal with the energy it needs to live. 

A plant is a producer . Plants use the sun to make their own food. 

 A caterpillar is a consumer. They have to consume or eat in order for their bodies to make energy. Caterpillars are a part of a group of animals called herbivores. Herbivores only eat plants. This caterpillar is eating the leaf and the energy that the plant got from the sun is being passed to the caterpillar.


This frog is a carnivore . He only eats meat, usually bugs. He is a consumer , so he is not able to make his own food. The frog will eat the caterpillar, so his body can make the energy it needs to live. The frog will get the energy from the caterpillar that was passed from the sun, to the plant, and then to the caterpillar. 

This snake is a carnivore. He only eats meat. He is a consumer and gets his energy from the animals he eats. The snake will eat the frog to get the energy that has been passed from the sun, to the plant, then to the caterpillar, and onto the frog.

An owl is a consumer and a carnivore. He typically hunts at night. He will catch the snake to eat so his body can get the energy that was passed from the sun, to the plant, then to the caterpillar, and onto the frog, and then to the snake.