This book is designed to help teachers set up Google Apps for use in the classroom. 

Also Availible as a Worksheet and Webinar

 For help click the "Bjorn" Avatar at the bottom of this book.

This book will be broken up into several sections:

  • The initial set-up: This is a model of setting up Google collections before students even start with class.
  • Techniques and ideas of use:  This will give you some ideas of how you can use this model in your classroom. 

The inicial set-up:

Each Classroom set up a Class Edit, Class View, and Dropboxcollection .  Make sure to include both the name of the student and the class so that multiple classrooms are not using the same naming convention.

View of Collection Tree

Class Edit ~ These will be files that are editable by everyone in the class
Example: Group Assignments

Class View ~ These will be files that are only viewable by everyone in the class
Example: Syllabus, worksheet template’s

Student Dropbox ~ This is only between the teacher and the particular student.
Example: Handing in homework

How to create a collection.

  1. Open your doc list
  2. Click create and choose "Collection"
  3. If you want to create a collection under the first
    1. Move your mouse over a collection
    2. To the right you will see a down arrow, click it
    3. Choose New => Collection
  4. Hint: you can also move collections after they have been created.

Class Edit Collection ~ These will be files that are editable by everyone in the class

  • Group Assignments
  • Class Notes

Class View ~ These will be files that are only viewable by everyone in the class


  • Syllabus 
  • Worksheet template

Student Dropbox ~ This is only between the teacher and the particular student.


  • Handing in homework