What Kind of Animal Are You?

Our first stop at the zoo is to see the lions.  Shh!  He's sleeping!  To try and wake him up, let's all growl like a lion.  Can you growl like a lion?

Here we are at the tiger cage!  This tiger is laying on a rock, but sometimes tigers like to hunt.  Can you crawl and hunt like a tiger would?

Look at how tall these giraffes are!  Giraffes can reach way up high into trees because their necks are so long.  Can you stretch your neck like a giraffe?

Here we see the flamingos playing in the water!  Flamingos are a type of bird.  Can you flap your arms like a flamingo?

Here is a zebra eating some grass.  Zebras can gallop even faster than horses!  Can you gallop like a zebra?

Our final stop is to see the elephants.  Elephants have long trunks instead of noses.  Can you make yourself have a trunk?

Thank you for visiting the zoo!  Come back soon!