The Fiesty Fractions

jumble of numbers

Written by:  Kristine Cody

Illustrated by:  Laura Honan

Numerator  number one wakes up to play.  How many pieces should I be today?

The number one waking up.

Shall I be out of 2, 3 or 4.  Which denominator do I want to be more?

A daydreaming one.  He dreams of the numbers 2, 3 and 4.

If I'm out of two I'm called a half , with one in the numerator and two in the denominator.

The number one over two.

If I choose three, its a third I'll be.  That's with number one up top and three below.

A third may be the way to go.

One divided by three

One divided by four

But with four down under I'll be asunder .  They'd call me a fourth and that's just North of the key.

Three fraction circles.  One-half, one-third, one-fourth

Let's put these in order by size a fourth, a third, a half to maximize .

With Numerator Number One on the top, the bigger the bottom, the smaller you got 'em!

one fourth, one third, one half