Jeff goes to the Super Bowl

Jeff and his 3 friends wanted to go to the Super Bowl. The problem was, tickets were very expensive and he did not know how they would be able to get all the way to Indianapolis from Long Island. After looking online, Jeff found a guy who said he would sell him 4 tickets for 40% off face value. The face value of the tickets is 1,250 dollars. Jeff and his friends were never good at math, can you help him find out the price of the tickets?




Cost of each ticket:


Cost of all 4 tickets:



Jeff decides he wants to pay for the ticket from his piggy bank. He has exactly the right amount of money in his piggy bank. He has a total of 11 bills, all of them are either one hundred dollar or fifty dollar bills. He has 3 more 50 dollar bills then hundred dollar bills. How much of each bill does he have?

Let x =

Let y =




The transportation to the game is expensive. The bus costs 10 dollars per hour that you are on the bus. To travel by airplane, the cost is 55 dollars per hour that you are on the plane. The travel time by bus is 9 hours each way while the travel time by airplane is 4 hours round trip. Which form of transportation is more affordable?

Bus                                                             Airplane

Page 2-

Formula- 1,250 x .40 = 500 dollars off

Cost of each ticket- 1,250 - 500 = 750 dollars

Cost of all 4 tickets- 750 x 4 = 3,000 dollars


Page 3-

x = the number of one hundred dollar bills

y = the number of fifty dollar bills

Formula- 100x + 50y = 750

                x = y - 3

Solution- 100(y - 3) + 50y = 750

               100y - 300 + 50y = 750

               150y = 1,050

               y = 7           x = 7 - 3      x = 4

 Jeff had 4 one hundred dollar bills and 7 fifty dollar bills


Page 4- 

Bus- 10 x 9 = 90 dollars each way

90 x 2 = 180 dollars total

Airplane- 55 x 4 = 210 dollars total

The bus is cheaper

Jeff and his friends had a great time at the Super Bowl. Their favorite team was victorious, winning by a score of 20-10. All the problems Jeff and his friends encountered were well worth it!!