Where's Teddy?

By: Kayla Bibeault

Illustrated by: Kayla Bibeault

When Dino woke up on Saturday morning, he couldn't find Teddy.

He looked under his blanket and under his bed....

but he couldn't find Teddy!

Dino looked in the bathroom....

but he couldn't find Teddy!

Dino ran down the stairs and looked behind the pillows on the couch....

but he couldn't find Teddy!

Dino looked up high

and he looked down low....

but he couldn't find Teddy!

Dino was getting scared! So, he started to yell, "TEDDY! WHERE ARE YOU?"

Just then, Dino heard laughter coming from the family room.

Dino walked into the family room....

but he didn't see Teddy!

Dino could still hear the laughter as he looked behind the tv and under the table.

Then, Dino realized there was one place that he hadn't looked yet!


Dino walked over to the closet and as he opened the door....

he found Teddy!