unity of mathematical proportions

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Addition , he was the smallest of his family.

He never got as much attention as his sister, Multiplication , she was the favorite of all the family. Mr. & Mrs. Math were always proud of her because she was very productive .

Addition wanted to be like his sister, he wanted to be just as productive. Mrs. Math always told him that he was just as important as his sister.She would tell him, "You create unity among objects and items, that would be his purpose in life."

One day at school, Addition ran into Subtraction and Division , they were two brothers from his class. They never were happy and always liked to start trouble with Addition. They made fun of him because he was only able to be productive in a slower manner than his older sister.

Well, on this day, Addition did not feel bad or upset. He smiled and began to tell them how he was just as productive as his sister. He was able to add items together to get a sum .

They laughed and walked away, but at lunchtime, there was a problem with the apples. No one was able to figure out how many was in the basket and how would it be shared out. Addition decideed that it was his turn to show how he was important.

He stepped up to the apples, and said " ok everyone, I will sort this out for you". There were three baskets, which has 5 apples, 10 apples, and 7 apples in them. He added them up to get 22 apples in total. But, he needed a little more help to solve this dilemma.

He turned to his classmate, Subtraction, and asked him to figure out how many classmates were left in the lunchroom. Subtraction used the 25 students that are in the class and reduced that number by the 14 that left. He told Addition, "there are 11 students still left". Addition was pleased, he turned to Division and asked him to figure out how many apples will be given to each student.

DIvision took the 22 apples and divided the 11 students. He told Addition, "each student will get 2 apples". This pleased Addition and the students. As everyone ate their snack, they cheered for Addition. Division and Subtraction said, " you are special because you bring us all together".




The moral of the story is that everyone is special in their own way. We all need to know that we bring different attributes to the table. We are all producers and make the world go around. SO being different is not a bad thing, just be YOU!