The SIFT Method

A Strategy for Literature Analysis

Thinking critically about literature can be challenging. Use the SIFT Method to help guide your thought process when reading and writing about stories, poetry, non-fiction writing and more!

S = Symbol

I = Imagery

F = Figurative Language

T = Tone and Theme

S = Symbol


A Symbol is an object, person, or place that has meaning within itself but stands for something else in the context of the story.

*For example, hearts and arrows commonly symbolize love.


I = Imagery

When an image is evoked through the use of really descriptive language.

*Many people think of imagery as "painting a picture with words."


F = Figurative Language

Figurative Language includes (but is not limited to) simile, metaphor, hyperbole, repetition, alliteration, etc.

*Figurative Language techniques are the "tricks" with language that writers use to bring their words to life.

T = Tone and Theme

Tone is the attitude an author takes on the subject he/she is writing about.


Theme = Plot + Tone

*Think of tone and theme as the "color" of the story. Is it blue and sad? Gray and bored? Sunny and happy?