A day with the Dogs

Spot the running dog

There once lived a dog named Spot, Spot was the cutest and most nicest pitbull anyone has ever seen.

Spot running in the neighborhood

Everyday Spot would jog throughout the neighborhood around 9 a.m. Occasionally, Spot would meet up with many of his dog friends along the way. Spot friends would follow as he lead the pack throughout the neighborhood.

Spot loved to stop by the meats market because there was a butcher named Gordon who would leave them scraps to feed.  Stopping by the market was one of Spot's most anticipated stops on the jog.

Butchers Meat

Dog playing fetch with owner

As Spot finished the delicious meal he could hear his owner caliing for him several blocks away, a whistle(******) SPOT!!!, Oh SPOT!!! Spot dashed through the alley to rush home, he took every shortcut possible. Finally, Spot jumped on the porched and began to run in circles to initiate a game of fetch with his owner. THE END...