Jackie Ochoa

Webmastering - Period 2

Unit 3 Vocabulary


  • Lesson 7 Review

  • Lesson 8 Review

  • Lesson 9 Review

  • Lesson 10 Review

  • HTML List


Lesson 7 Vocabulary



Attribute: is an addition to an HTML tag that is used to modify it properties.


Container tags: has to have an ending to the text. Has to close the open HMTL


Document type declaration (DTD): Basically tells the browser what type of document to expect.


Empty tags: Tags that do not have to use a corresponding tag it’s an empty tag since it does not contain text.  


HTML: This is the language that Web pages are written in. Also known as hypertext documents, Web pages must conform to the rules of HTML in order to be displayed correctly in a Web browser.


Hypertext: organization of units of information that can be connected with links.


Ordered List: has a number instead of a bullet by it. Order does matter.


Source code: The HTML code , it is plain text with HTML added to it.


Tags: Codes that can be used in a web page to designate attributes of a section of text.


Unordered list: List who have bullets next to them often used for lists that are not so important to put in order.


Value: specifies that the paragraph be aligned in the center of the page.


Lesson 8 Vocabulary

  1. Absolute URL: is one in which the protocol and web server name is used.
  2. External link: Are links to documents that reside on Web sites other than the one you are creating.
  3. Hyperlink: links to other web pages on the internet.
  4. Internal Link: Links that are used to navigate between the pages of one site.
  5. Intrapage Link:  is a link within one web page.
  6. Link: a pointer to a document or file somewhere on the web.
  7. Relative URL: is one in which the document being linked to is described relative to another location.
  8. Thumbnail: a small representation of a smaller image.

Lesson 9 vocabulary

1. Cell: The area created by the intersect of a row and a column

2. Container: define which web page is to be used as the navigation bar and which web page is to be used as the main window.

3. Frameset: is the name given to a group of frames that act together to make one web page.

4. Nested: You are opening a new tag before closing the first one.

Lesson 10 Vocabulary

Button: used to click to submit information.

Check Box: are similar to radio buttons in that there are a set of predefined choices from which the user may make a selection.

Form:  is an element to a web page that is used to collect data from a web site user.

Hidden Field: allows a value to be passed from the form to the page that is specified in the ACTION attribute without the knowledge of the web user.

Label:  tells the user what to type in the text box.

Password Field: Code that HTML provides so that anything a user types in a password field will be replaced with asterisks (“) so that anyone watching cannot see the text.

Pull-Down Menu: also called drop down lists are used when you do not want the user to type in his or her own data.

Query string: Portion of the URL in which it was appended to the URL after a question mark.

Radio Button: are another type of form element where the user is presented with a set of options from which to choose.

Text Area:  is a large space in which a user can type his or her comments. Text areas are not limited to single words or phrases.

Text Box: form element is a box into which the user can key text.

Unit 3 Review Html list

< HTML > = Begin the HTML page

< HEAD > = Begin the heading of the document

< TITLE > Designate the title of the page

< BODY > = Begin the body of the document

<  H1 > = Format a level 1 heading

< H2 > = Format a level 2 heading

< H3 > = Format a level 3 heading

< H4 > Format a level 4 heading

< H5 > = Format a level 5 heading

< H6 > = Format a level 6 heading

< BR > = Add a line break

< P > = Set apart a group of text as a paragraph ALIGN

< I > Format the text using italics

< B > = Format the text with boldface

< UL > Create and unordered list

< OL > Create and ordered list

< LI > Specify a list item

< FONT > Specify font charachteristics

< A > Designate a hyperlink

< IMG > Designate an image

< TABLE > Designate an HTML table

< TR > Designate a table row

< TD > Designate a table cell

< TH > Designate a table heading

< FRAMESET > Designate a frames page

< FRAMES > Designate a frame within a frames page

< NOFRAMES > Designate code that will be displayed if frames not supported

< FORM > Designate the start of a form

< INPUT > Designate a form element

< SELECT > Designate a pull-down menu

< OPTION > Designate an item in a pull-down menu

< TEXTAREA > Designate a text area to insert text