The Very Hungry Visitor

I never expected that one day I’d open my closet and find a gigantic, green alien. He stood there and stared at me with huge oval shaped eyes. He made all sorts of weird noises, and he smelled of chlorine.

I was totally transfixed on it. I didn’t know whether to scream, faint, or befriend the thing. He was staring intently at me.

His fingers were long and crooked. He had four fingers on each arm. It had what appeared to be six appendages- similar to our arms. It didn’t appear to have any hair on its green body. It moved in a hiccuppy type of motion.

It teetered out of the closet towards me or the bedroom door – at any rate; I began to back up at light speed. Should I dash out the door in front of it or let it trap me in the bedroom?

I continued my backpedaling into the hall. The alien stepped into the hall, stopped, and began rotating its oval eyes. Then, as if by instinct, it moved toward the kitchen quickening its pace as it went. “It wants food?” I thought.

The alien opened the refrigerator and quickly ate everything in it. Next, it opened the pantry and devoured everything, including the coffee filters and cereal boxes.

I was hoping the cough syrup it drank would make it sleepy, but no such luck! It only seemed to energize him. Surely, he would fill up soon! At last, he went to the sink and drank water straight from the faucet.

“Finally”, I said to myself, “he’s full.” He ambled over to the kitchen door and I was relieved at the thought of it leaving.

As he opened the door the cat walked by and that was when I heard the alien mumble...
