Your Opinion Matters

An opinion is something that is not based upon facts or knowledge. It is someones point of view or judgement about something.

It is different from a fact. A fact can be proven. An opinion can not be proven. For example it is a fact that apples are red, green or yellow. It is an opinion that apples are nasty.

Be careful!!! Having an opinion about something does not mean you are right or wrong.

What is the best tasting chocolate? Do you like chocolate? Your answer is an opinion. How does your opinion differ from those around you?

My favorite vegetable is broccoli. What is your favorite vegetable?

Spongebob is known for making Krabby patties. Who is the best character in Bikini Bottom? What ingrdients would make Krabby Patties taste awsome. Opinions Opinions!!!

My favorite subject in class is Math. Math is easy to me, but that is just my opinion. What is your favorite subject? Which are the easiest and hardest subjects in class?

You can have an opinion about anything in the world. Don't be afraid to share your opinion with others, you never know who shares the same opinions as you. YOUR OPINION MATTERS!!!!