The Rainforest

Author: Megan Perello

Rainforests are thick, warm and wet forests. They are forests that get at least 250 cm a year of rain, often more. There are two kinds of rainforest: tropical and temperate. Both kinds are endangered. Tropical rainforests are millions of years old, and temperate rainforests are about 10,000 years old.

Tropical rainforests are located close to the equator, in 85 different countries, and most are in Central and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.

Temperate rainforests are found near coastal areas and there are fewer of them than tropical rainforests. Temperate rainforests are found along the Pacific coast of Canada and the USA, and in New Zealand, Tasmania, Chile, Ireland, Scotland and Norway.

Why are rainforests important? Why are they disappearing?

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