The Rainbow Fish

There once was a beautiful fish in the sea named Rainbow Fish. He had sparkly rainbow scales all over his body and he brightened up the ocean. Everybody wanted a scale too so they could shine as brightly as him.

Rainbow Fish loved the attention and knew he looked beautiful. He was very confident and would show his scales off to everyone. However, everyone began to ask Rainbow Fish if they could have at least one scale. Unfortunately, Rainbow Fish refused and wanted to keep his scales for himself. Rainbow Fish began losing his friends because he was so selfish and did not know what to do with himself. 

The Rainbow Fish felt lonely. He swam around by himself and nobody would talk to him. He did not know what to do because he loved his scales so much. The Rainbow Fish feared that without them he would not be as beautiful, but he also did not want to lose all his friends.

The Rainbow Fish swam everywhere until he found his friends. He decided it was more important to share his scales with them because his friends meant more to him than looking beautiful. So Rainbow Fish kept one scale and gave one to everyone. He found he made everyone happy, and it was worth it.

The Rainbow Fish and all of his friends lived happily ever after. He learned the real beauty is not on the outside but the inside. He then shared everything with everyone from then on and everyone loved him for it.