Historical Fiction

Cover of Dad, Jackie, and Me
Dad, Jackie, and Me.

Historical fiction tells a story that could have happened during a particular time in history. The characters may be real or fictional or a combination of both. The setting is important in historical fiction. The author describes how people really lived during that time and in that place. The plot is usually centered around an important historical event.

We can do research to authenticate events in an historical fiction book.

Robinson Debut
Robinson Debut

Click the first audio button to listen to the first column of the newspaper article. Click the second audio button to hear the second column of the article.

Visit the History Channel website and watch the video called "Jackie Robinson Breaks Barrier."


This newspaper article is from April 6, 1947. It describes how Jackie got hurt during a pre-season game.

Jackie gets hurt
Robinson Hurt by Edwards Slide at First

Click "View My Responses" and print them out.  Place on Table 1.

Works Cited

Arthur, D. "Opening Day at Ebbets Field." New York Times (1923-Current file): 32. Apr 16 1947. ProQuest. Web. 27 Apr. 2013.

“Jackie Robinson Breaks Barriers.” 2013. The History Channel website. Apr 27 2013, 5:19 http://www.history.comhttp://www.history.com/videos/jackie-robinson-changes-the-face-of-america.

McGowen, R. Special to THE NEW,YORK TIMES. "Dodgers Get 5 in Fifth to Halt Royals, 6-3; Robinson Hurt by Edwards' Slide at First." New York Times (1923-Current file): 2. Apr 06 1947. ProQuest. Web. 27 Apr. 2013 .

Uhlberg, M. Dad, Jackie, and me. Atlanta, Ga.: Peachtree Publishers, 2005. Print.