Sunday Morning,after breakfast,Billy went to play in back yard behind his house. He played around until he lost into deep jungle. Suddenly, he heard some strange sound.


Z z Z z zz .....Z z z Z Zz z....Z z z z z Z Z Z Z..

That was a sound of snoring.Billy thought that somebody is sleeping some where around here. He was wondering "Who is sleeping in the jungle!?!" He looked around but it didn't seem like somebody here. But the sound was so cloesed to him.

With his curiosity of where the sound came from,he started to say something. "Hello, Hello, Is anybody here??" Billy said. And then the sound stopped!! There must be somebody here, he thought. Billy said hello again. "Hello, I am billy, I know there must be somebody here. I can hear you voice. Billy said.

"Hi, Billy. How are you doing today?" The sound replied. 

Billy was panic.He didn't see anyone around here but where the sound came from?

"Where are you? Why you don't show up?" Billy said.

"I am here, I am right behind you." The answer came from somewhere.Billy turned around and took a look.


Billy was surprised. He didn't see anything but a huge tree stood right in front of him. And the tree could talk!!! The tree was talking to him!!!

"Don't panic Billy" The tree said. "I don't do any harm to you, See, I can't even move myself, The tree said.

Billy calmed down. "Oh yeah,you can't move. What is your name?" Billy asked.

"I don't have a name but you can call me uncle tree. I am sure that I am older than you because I have been stood here for many years ago." The tree replied.

"You can't go anywhere.How can you find foods when you feel hungry?" Billy wondered. 

"I have very long and strong roots. My roots can absorb water and nutrient from the ground. Uncle tree answered.

"I see, you are a plant you have your roots so don't need to go anywhere to find foods like animals. Billy said.

Billy imagined that if he were a tree, how would he feel.

"If I have to stand here alone like you in the jungle,I would be scare to be alone and I would be very scare at night. Are you scare of ghost uncle tree?." Billy asked.

"Ghost is just a telling story.It is not real." The tree said.

"So, what are you scare of? uncle tree" Billy asked.

"I scare of wildfire and human" The tree replied."I can get burn with fire because I can't run away where there is a fire" The tree added.

"I see, and why are you scare of human?" Billy asked.

"Because human like to cut trees. A lot of my friends get cut by human." Uncle tree said sadly.

Suddenly, there was a sound from somewhere.

"Billy.. Billy !! Where are you?" Somebody looking for Billy.

"That is my dad. He is looking for me.I have to go, uncle tree." Billy said.

"Don't let your dad worry about you.Go to see him,Billy" Uncle tree said.

Billy ran to his father.

"Dad, I am here." Billy said.

"Oh Billy, Where have you been? I was so worry about you. I have been searched for you everywhere." His dad said.

"I am fine dad. Don't worry" Billy said.

"Dad, why human cut trees? I heard that a lot of trees cut by human." Billy asked his dad while they were walking home.

"Because a lot of things made from tree such as house,furniture,paper and so many things." Dad replied.

"Are there any way that we can save trees?" Billy asked.

"Yes,there are so many ways to save trees such as use towel instead of tissue paper, or use ceramic cup instead of paper cup. Dad said.

From now on, every time when Billy uses any product made of tree, he always think of the uncle tree and tries to save all products made of trees.

Special Thanks.

Pictures Resources

A fire :

Ghost :

House :

Kitchen :

Log :

Saw :

Trees : 1.




Tree products : 1.

