Old and New Friends

Written and Illustrated by

Adam Sontag

Brian is an 8 year old boy who enjoys to play outside with his friend Kyle. They have been in the same class since Kindergarten.

Brian and Kyle's favorite activity  was to play catch. They enjoyed this because baseball was their favorite sport.

When Brian came home from school his parents told him that they were moving  because his Dad's new job. Brian was going to a new school.

When Brian moved to his new school Kyle gave him the baseball that they always played catch with as a gift . Kyle said Brian can now play catch at his new house.

When Brian moved to his new house he was very upset .  He called his friend Kyle, to tell him that he wishes he was back at his old school with his friends. Kyle told him he had an idea on how to make new friends at his school.

Kyle told Brian to bring the baseball to school to play at recess. He can then make new friends who like to have a catch.

That Monday Brian brought the baseball to recess,  two students in his class came right up to him and asked if he wanted to have a catch , their names were Steve and Kim who liked having a catch but never had a ball to play with.

When Brian came home from school the first thing he did was call Kyle. He wanted to tell him how bringing the baseball to school helped him make friends and now his new friends are using the same baseball that they used at his old school.

During summer vacation Brian decided to have a Birthday party at his new house. He invited his new friends Steve and Kim and also invited Kyle from his old school. They all went out to the yard and play catch with the baseball.


Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=activity

Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=catch

Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=enjoyed

Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=gift

Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=idea

Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=moving

Wordsmyth the premier educational dictionary-thesaurus. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=1&ent=upset