The Night the Lights Went Out

Suddenly the lights went out when Charlie was getting ready for his big audition.  This was to be a dramatic lead in the University’s spring play.  He was just finishing getting toweled off.  Thinking that the outage was going to be short lived Charlie continued to get himself ready in his pitch black dorm room.  It was difficult to find his clothes in the dark even with his flashlight app. The sun had gone down and the emergency lights in the dorm hallway were not making there way under the door into Charlie’s tiny cinder block cubicle. 

Upon opening the door to the hallway it became clear that this wasn’t an ordinary power outage.  Students were not hanging out in the hallway using their cellphones as flashlights.  All the doors were closed no one was in the hallway and emergency lights weren’t working.  Charlie took out his cell and opened the flashlight app.  He immediately regretted doing so as a bat or at least that is what he thought it was landed on his head.  Charlie pulled his hooded sweatshirt up over his head grabbing at the creature attached  and threw it behind him.  In the scuffle he had dropped his cell and as he reached around on the floor to find it he felt something soft and wet.  He went to wipe his hand on the wall and burned his hand.  What is going on he thought?  Is the building on fire?  There was no smoke he realized but he knew he had to get out of there.