This book describes different kinds of Web 2.0 tools that can be used in the classroom.

  • Glogster

  • Mindmeister

  • GoAnimate

  • Poll Everywhere

  • References


Glogster is an online poster making tool that allows students to use text, pictures, videos, graphics, and many other things in their posters. Glogster creates a digital learning environment for both students and teachers.

Glogster provides privacy settings so that the teacher and students can choose who sees the posters they create. It is also easy to use.

This is the website for Glogster EDU:









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Glogster allows students to demonstrate what they know through different means other than a traditional poster or assignment. This could be beneficial for students who have difficulty expressing what they know through written and artistic work. It is a different way for them to express their understanding of a topic, in a way that is better suited for them.

Glogster could be used in the classroom by students to make posters for assignments, presentations, a book report, etc. They can include many different aspects they couldn't have before (videos, audio clips, etc.). Teachers can use Glogster to help explain a concept or a lesson to students in a fun and different way. 

The age required to use Glogster is 13 or older. If a student is younger than 13, they can use it with parental consent. (According to Glogster EDU Terms of Use). 


Mindmeister is a Web 2.0 online mind mapping tool. Students can use this tool to create presentations, to help them understand topics, research and structure essays, and connect classroom and homework activities. It also allows students to share their work and collaborate with each other. 

This is the Mindmeister website:


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Mindmeister could be good for students who have trouble organizing their thoughts or work; it provides a structure for them and they can personalize it in a way so they understand best. It also is another way of displaying what they know. Mind maps can be another way for students to communicate their understanding of a topic if they have trouble articulating that in other ways.

Students can use Mindmeister to organize their ideas for a project or their study notes. They can easily connect ideas and show their understanding.

According to the Terms and Conditions, there is no particular age limit for Mindmeister.

GoAnimate is a Web 2.0 tool where students can create their own animated video. Students can choose different characters, themes, voices, etc. It allows students to display their learning, and GoAnimate makes creating videos easy.

This tool lets students be creative and show their knowledge and expression in a fun way.

This is the GoAnimate website:


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GoAnimate would be a great tool to use for students who may have trouble articulating their thoughts and understanding of a topic verbally or by written expression. Making a video could allow them another way to display their understanding and knowledge in a topic, other than writing an assignment or verbally giving a presentation. It could also help a student who has trouble understanding written content. An animated video on the topic they are learning about could help them understand the material because it provides them with another way to receive information.

Students can make an animated video for a commercial about an issue they are learning about in class. They can use this tool to make videos providing information for a presentation.

According to GoAnimate's Terms of Use, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the website. If a student is 13 but under 18, they must have parental consent. 

Poll Everywhere is an online polling website. It is fast, easy to use, and very accessible. This is a different kind of Web 2.0 tool, as it is not one that students can directly access themsevles, they can access it if the teacher has created a poll for them to access and respond to. Students can access the poll their teacher has created for them through any device. Creating polls for students can help in the achievement of objectives for students.

The website for Poll Everywhere is:


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Poll Everywhere would be a good tool to get students engaged, it is another way to get them engaged and invloved in the presentation or the lesson. It is their choice to respond to the poll and it can make participating in class more fun and less intimidating for some students. This can be beneficial for students who are reluctant to participate in class discussion or don't like saying their opinions to everyone, so creating a poll is a great way to get those students involved and engaged in class. Especially if it is something they need to use their phones, tablets, etc. for. 

Teachers can use Poll Everywhere for many different classroom purposes, including taking attendance, as a discussion, asking questions, etc. 

According to Poll Everywhere's Terms of Service, a child under 13 needs parental consent to use it.


GoAnimate (2013). Retrieved from:

Mind mapping in Education (2013). Retrieved from:

Poll Everywhere Classroom Response (n.d). Retrieved from:

What is Glogster EDU? (2013). Retrieved from: