Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers

Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers


slidely.com is a site where you can instantly create slideshows using your favorite pictures and music. You can create photo galleries, collages, slideshows, all from photos found online, or from your own collection. This tool canbe used in education to give students a way to create something visually, or also allow teachers to present information to their class in a visual way. This can be used by anyone, however anyone under 18 years old needs a parents permission to use.


Memplai is an amazing online video editor which you can use to create videos incorporating your own or your choice of videos and pictures. Create collaborate and share with this great site. This site can easily be used for educaitonal purposes, by the teacher, or by students to create, present, and share information in an easy way. The site removes barriers for students who are more visually or creatively oreientated workers, as they can learn and do projects using this site. There is no age limitations for using the site.


easel.ly is a very user friendly, easy to use site used to create infographics. Choose a theme, provide the information you want to present, and this site will create an awesome infographic. A very useful site for creating, sharing and presenting your ideas visually. This site could be used for educational purposes by teachers to create and display information in a uniwue way to students, or to give students an opportunity to create a way to present the information that they are learning. This removes barriers for students who do not like oral presentations, or who struggle with regular lectures and class assignments. As well, there is no age restrictions, so students could use it.