Web 2.0 Tools

  • Google Presentations

  • Prezi

  • Audacity


Google Presentations is a tool that anyone can use provided they have an account with Google. Google Presentations is similar to Powerpoint in most respoects, however it saves to the cloud and can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection.

Prezi is a fantastic tool for making presentations, especially if students want something more dynamic than Google presentation or powerpoint. They are easy to make, and save to the cloud as well so you have access anywhere you have an internet connection.

Some students like using prezi because they find it more engaging and less monotonous than using Powerpoint or Google Presentations, however some students (in my experience) have had issues with the presentation making them feel natious or light headed.

Audacity is a great tool for making and editing audio files. Students will be able to easily edit audio files, such as voice recordings, music, sound effects, etc. This tool is great for teachers as well if you wanted to add comments to presentations to put on Youtube, or create podcasts for students to listen to outside of the classroom. Who's to say, maybe students in your class might be interested in starting up their own podcasts?

Audacity is very easy to use. Just select the portion of the audio file you would like to modify, and follow the simple instructions. Users can also modify the balance, so students with hearing impairments can change any audio files to increase volume in either channel, or completely remove it from one of the speakers.