Tuck's Travels 

The sun peered through the clear water as Tuck opened his sleepy eyes. 

It was time to get the day started! 

"Good Morning Sun!" he shouted. "It's going to be a great day, I know it!" 

Tuck swam gracefully out of bed and went to meet his Mom at the breakfast table. 

After breakfast Tuck and his little brother bubble goodbye to their Mom and head off to school. 

Tuck lives in "Turtle Community" with lots of other turtles his age, younger and older. But, his school is very diverse, he goes to school with many other ocean species. In fact, there is one of his friends now. 

"Hey Finn!" Tuck shouts as he approaches Finn's colorful coral reef. 

Tuck and Finn chat away about how excited they are for their field trip today unitl they are interrupted by a voice calling for them...

"Wait for me guys!" 

It was Ollie, another one of Tuck's classmates. Tuck and Finn stopped and watied while Ollie kissed her Mom goodbye at the door fo their cave. 

Tuck finally arrives at school with his friends following close behind. 

Today in school Tuck's teacher, Mr. Krabby, explained to the class that they live in a population. 

He told them that a population is a group of the same species that all live together. 

"Like my neighborhood?" Tuck asked.

"Exactly!" replied Mr. Krabby. "Your neighborhood Tuck is made up of a population of Sea Turtles just like yourself and your family." 

"If my population is made up of Sea Turtles just like me Mr. Krabby then where do my friends fit in? They aren't Sea Turtles they are a different species."

"Great question Tuck!" replied Mr. Krabby. "I'll explain!" 

"Your friends and yourself Tuck make up a community. A community is a combination of all the populations that live in the same place. So you see, your Sea Turtle population plus Finn's Fish population and Ollie's Octopus population, along with your other classmates' populations create our community." 

Tuck's population of Sea Turtles contribute to his community along with his friends and also other life like sea weed and coral reefs. 

Tuck raced home after school that day to tell his Mom all about how thier population makes up their community that is all a part of their aquatic ecosystem.