One day two kids were looking at a magic book and they found a trick that they wanted to do so they did it and it took them to the pirate timeline.Only the boy went to the deserted island and a pirate ship was there of course it was not a pirate ship you would see.They went inside the Captian's quarters to find a clue about what kind of ship it is or what the name of the ship is.They found a can that says etc then they were looking at the book named a guide for pirate dummys andthey found a map and it said map for the enteral living ship's journey.The ship started to move agian then a half hour the island was not in sight and te Captian yelled get some rest so every pirate on the ship went to quarters and got some sleep. 

The boy sneeked up on deck and he drank magic water[he didn't know it was magic.]then he turned into a man and that was when he found out that it was magic.He pulled the anchor up and started to steer the ship awaythen the whole crew waked up and went on the deck. So the man took the lifeboat and went to the mainland to get the investagaters to find out how he turned into a man,how only he got through the trick and how he can get home.So the investagaters made a whole bucket of a speical poition but it didn't work so he said after we make a new book of magic go home and if it does not work call us and we will take care of it.So they finished the book and the man went home and he turned back into a boy agian.