Inventions that Originated in Ohio

Transportation Inventions

1.) Automobile Self Starter- This invention was created by Charles Kettering. The development of the self starter allowed drivers to start their automobile's engine without having to crank it. Before this invention you had to hand crank the engines to get them to start and this was very dangerous.

2.) Traffic Signal- This invention was created by Garret Morgan. He witnessed a car crash, this convinced him to create the first traffic signal. On November 20, 1923, he received his patent for this invention. The traffic signal was mounted on a T-shape pole. Stop, go, and stop in all directions were the three signals used at the time.


Transportation Inventions

3.) Gas Powered, Single Cylinder Automobile- This invention was created by John W. Lambert. This invention proved to be successful, but the vehicles design appeared to be dangerous. The design of the automobile had two wheels in the back and one small wheel in the front. By having this design, it made the automobile unbalanced. Lambert did many test runs to help himself make corrections to the automobile.

4.) Airplanes- The first airplane was created by Orville and Wilbur Wright. This invention was very basic at first, but the Wright brothers continued to make improvements. The first flight went 120 feet and only lasted 12 seconds. Another flight on the same day went 852 feet and lasted 59 seconds. Airplanes were very dangerous at this time and was used mostly for military use.

Communication Inventions

1.) Phonograph- This invention was created by Thomas Edison. The phonograph was the first machine that could record and reproduce sound. The phonograph had two needles that could record or playback sound.

2.) Mutliplex Railway Telegraph- This invention was created by Granville T. Woods. The multiplex railway telegraph allowed communication from the train stations to the trains. This invention improved safety on the railroads.

Techonology Inventions

1.) Light Bulb- This invention was created by Thomas Edison. He was able to create a reliable, long lasting source of light that would be able to be used at home.

2.) Cash Register- This invention was created by James Ritty. This invention helped James Ritty keep track of his sales and the amount the sales were. The cash register did not have a cash drawer at this time.

Work Cited

1.) Bellis, M. (n.d.). Ohio famous people- ohio inventors. Retrieved from

2.)Welcome to ohio history central. (n.d.). Retrieved from

3.) Ohio inventors. (2011, April 12). Retrieved from