



   By: Mary (LA) Love


          Scientific Method



 The scientific method is how we solve problems in science. There are 7 steps to the scientific method. They are :

1) State the problem / question

  • The scientist comes up with a question or a problem that needs to be solved.
  • The scientist does not propose a solution to the question or problem yet

2) Gather information.

  • The scientist does research to see if the problem has already been solved.
  • The scientist does research to see what they can learn about the question or problem

3) Form a hypothesis.

  • Hypothesis - an educated quess that answers the question or problem.
  • This is based on what was learned from gathering information.

4) Perform an experiment.

  • This is when the scientist test their hypothesis.
  • There can only be one variable that is different.
  • Data is collected.

5) Analyze data.

  • After the experiment is over the data that was collected is analized (reviewed).

6) Draw conclusions.

  • After analyzing the data the scientist looks back at the hypothesis.
  • The scientist looks to see if the data does or does not support the hypothesis.

7) Repeat the experiment.

  • If the hypothesis is supported the scientist repeats the experiment.
  • The scientist needs to make sure that the results are always the same.
  • If the hypothesis is not supported then the scientist will change their hypothesis.
  • The scientist then starts the whole process again.









 Today in class we learned about electric vehicles. Jamie and Adam were testing electric cars and gasoline cars to see which one was faster.The electric was slower because it was heavier than the gasoline car.They had to do reseach about  how to build an electric car and how to connect wires. I think that the hypothesis is that the electric car will be slower than the gas car. This myth was busted!

Global Warming


Adam and Jamie were testing to see if methane gas really makes our plant warmer.  They made three boxes.  Each one had an ice scuplter in it. They put three different gases in each box. They set  the boxes  to the same temperture.   In the beginning they set the tempertures to 28.4 degrees. At the end the tempertures were as follows:  reguler air=28.4 degrees , methane gas=29.4 degrees, carbon dioxide=29.3 degrees.

Cows and Methane Gas


Adam and Jamie were testing to see  if all of the methane gas produced  by  cows  is really bad for the environment? Each cow produces 250 to 400 pounds per year. Did you know that most tootes come from the front? The methane is good and it is not so good. The reason it is good is , methane can power a lawn mower and save energy. The reason it is bad is  because if their are more than a  billion cows in this world and a cow produces 250 to  400 pounds of methane a year that  is a lot of methane gas. I think the  hypothesis is that methane is bad for our world. In the end this myth was confirmed. 

What I Learned Today...


I learned that the electric cars Adam and Jamie discussed weigh more than a gasoline car. The electric car  batteries which makes it heavier.When  they started the car it was a little slow but near  the end it speed up.

What I Learned Today...




I learned that green house gases  make our world warmer. Adam and Jamie  made 3 boxes with silcon and painted the bottom black. These boxes attrack the light better to melt the ice sculpture.  

What I Learned Today...


 Today I learned about cows and how they produce methane gas. Their first stomach can hold 50 gallons. You can use methane to power  things.  One thing that Jamie and Adam  used methane to power was a lawn mower.