
Scientific Method

By:Brionna B.

 There 7 steps to the Scientific Method.

  • State Problem/ Question - the scientist first comes up with a question or problem that needs to be solved.
  •  Gather Information - the scientist  does research to see if the problem has already been solve, if not they see what they can learn.
  • Form a hypothesis - A hypothesis is educated guess that answer the problem or question.
  • Perform an Experiment -This is when the scientist test their hypothesis, there can only be one different(the variable.)
  • Analyze Data -After the experiment is over, the data that is collected is analyzed(review).
  • Draw Conclusion - After analyzing the data, the scientist looks back their hypothesis, the scientist looks to see if the data does or doesn't support their hypothesis.
  • Repeat Experiment Or -
    If the hypothesis is supported then the scientist repeats the experiment, the scientist needs to make are always the same.
  • Revise Experiment- If the hypothesis is not supported, the scientist changes their hypothesis, the scientist then starts the whole process again.

Electric Cars

 Question:Are Electric Cars Slower Than Regular Vehicles ?

  • Jamie & Adam didn't do any reseach.
  • Hypothesis: If you make a electric vehicle, then it will be a lot slower than gasoline vehicle.
  • Manipulated variable: what is being tested,-an electric vehicle.
  • Responding variable: what is being observed and measured,- how the electric vehicle compared to the regular vehicle
  • Controlled Variable: what is kept the same,- a regular vehicle that is the same or similar.
  • Data collected: Jamie and Adam mostly collected and compare how fast diffrent electric vehicles are than regular vehicles.
  • What did they learn : that Electric Vehicles are fast than regular vehicles.

Question: Do greenhouses gasses really make our planet warmer ?

Did They do any research : Yes

What was their hypothesis : If you increased the amount of carbon dioxide and methane, then the temperature will be greater.

Manipulated Variable: what is being tested , -increasing the amount of carbon dioxide and measured .

Responding Variable: What is being observed and measured , - the temperture inside of the first two greenhouses.

Controlled Variable: what is kept the same ,- greenhouse size, amount of light starting temperture.

Data Collected : They made four greenhouses, first greenhouse had a lot of carbon dioxide, secong house had a lot of methane, and third and fourth had regular air in them.

What did Jamie & Adam find out :  Greenhouse gasses make planet the warmer.

Myth Busted

 Cow Calamity

Is all of the methane gas produced by cows really bad for the environment?  

Hypothesis: If you produce alot of methane, then cows are bad for the environment.

Manipulated Variable : what is being tested , - using methane instead of gasoline in a lawn mower.

Responding Variable : what is being observed and measured , - using a greenhouse gas as a power source rather than let it become pollution.

Controlled Variable :what is keep the same , - using the same lawn mower.

Data collected : They did collected a lot of data , they found out that methane produced by all cow has a big affect on the planet.

Did they do research : Yes.

What did Jamie and Adam find out : They find out that cow's poop has a big effect on the environment.

               That myth was busted!



What I learned !

I learned a lot from this video here some examples:

1. Some electric cars are faster than race cars, and they are better for the environment.

2. Methane gases are  good for using in a lawn mower.

3.And Greenhouses make the planet warmer.

This video was very helpful in many ways!