Mythbuster Experiments


Alex Pritchard
Crosssroads Middle School
September 10, 2008



The Scientific Method is a process that scientists use to gather new in  formation. It is made up of 7 steps:


1. Question - state the problem as a question; what do you want to find out?

2. Gather information - research your topic of interest

3. Formulate a Hypothesis - predict a possible answer to your problem or question; should state the manipulated variable, responding variable and controlled variables

4. Design an Experiment - plan how you will test your hypothesis, including materials used, manipulated variables, responding variables and controlled variables

5. Collect & Analyze Results - test your hypothesis; conduct your experiment & record your data

6. Draw Conclusions - analyze your data & summarize your findings and possible errors; did you prove or disprove your hypothesis?

7. Repeat or Revise the Experiment 




Electric Car of the Future
HYPOTHESIS: When tested against a gas-powered vehicle, electric vehicles will be slower than gas-powered vehicle.
Their experiment included the following variables: 
  • Manipulated Variable: an electric vehicle
  • Responding Variable: the "response" of an electric vehicle compared to a gas vehicle
  • Controlled Variable: a regular vehicle (what is constant, unchanged)

No earlier research was done before these experiments were performed. For this experiment the Mythbusters did experiments on different types of vehicles (gas & electric), comparing their speeds to regular vehicles. They did 4 tests to come up with their solution:

Test #1: They chose to use Saturn vehicles, 1 which was gas-powered and 1 electric-powered. The driver was given headphones so he couldn't hear & the passenger was given blindfold so he couldn't see. Based only on their perceptions, both the driver & passenger felt that the electric car was a "smoother" ride. The driver said also that the electric car seemed slow, or "sluggish"at first, but it seemed to speed up quickly afterwards. The acceleration on the electric car took longer.
Test #2: Mythbusters built an electric go-kart &  bought a gas-powered go-kart. They drove each go-kart around the track 4 times, only counting the fastest lap. Results showed that not much difference was seen in the times between the 2 vehicles, even though the electric vehicle also had a much heavier battery in it weighing over 120 pounds!

Gas-powered car
Test #3: The Mythbusters next used 2 motorcycles, 1 that was electric-powered & 1 that was gas-powered. They raced the bikes using a single timed run on a 1/4 mile length track. Results showed that the time it took for the bikes to race the 1/4 mile track was less than 1 second apart (electric bike: 8.283 secs, gas bike: 7.893 secs) with the gas-powered bike being only a little faster.
Test #4: The next test was on an electric-powered sports car & a gas-powered sports car (a Ferrari). After racing a 1/4 length of tract, the electric car was the first to cross the finish line, it actually beat a Ferrari!
**  MYTH WAS BUSTED !!  **


.HYPOTHESIS: If you increase greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, then the planet will get warmer.

Their experiment included the following variables:

  • Manipulated Variable increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide & methane) in the atmosphere
  • Responding Variable: the temperature measured within the first 2 greenhouse boxes created
  • Controlled Variables: the construction type and size of the greenhouses, temperture used, ice sculpture size

The Mythbusters did do some early research on this subject but decided to test this in their laboratory.

They got 4 identical boxes, 1 was filled with carbon dioxide, 1 with methane & the last 2 with oxygen (controls). They next made 4 identical ice sculptures & placed 1 in each box. They they waited to see which sculpture melted first.

Their results showed that after 4 hours, the carbon dioxide box melted first (reaching an internal temp of 24.8C), & the methane box melted second (reaching an internal temp of 24.9C). The 2 control boxes each reached 23.9C, causing the sculptures to melt last of all. Both controls were consistently seen to be 1 degree cooler. 



HYPOTHESIS:  "Our environment may be endangered if cows are releasing alot of methane gas into the atmosphere. Also,if this gas released by cows will burn, it could be used as a good soure of power."
  • Before this experiment began, the Mythbusters visited a farm to research & prove that cow dung does release methane gas into our atmosphere. After collecting alot of data they were able to prove that this does occur. This research proved to them that part of their original hypothesis, which actually included 2 myths, was correct!

The Mythbusters next dedided to take their experiment 1 step further. They wanted to find out if we could use this methane that is produced as a source of power.

This experiment included the following variables:

  • Manipulated Variable: using methane gas in an electric lawn mower
  • Responding Variable: using the methane gas pollutant produced by decayed cow dung as a useful energy source
  • Controlled Variablea standard electric lawn mower





After their initial discovery about methane gas being released into our atmosphere, the Mythbusters wanted to find out if it could possibly be used as a power source. Why not try using the methane in place of the gasoline in a lawnmower? The Mythbusters already knew that engines need a mix of fuel vapor & air to cause it to ignite. Why not try mixing the methane gas with the air?
Initially, the lawnmower would not start. But after giving the lawnmower a small electric boost, it worked on gas alone afterwards!  They had created an alternate source for gasoline.
Through this entire process, the Mythbusters were able to discover 2 things while trying to answer their original question:
1. The decay of cow dung does produce methane gas, releasing it into our atmosphere & therefore affecting our environment.
2. With the help of an electric starter, methane can be used in place of gasoline to power a regular lawnmower.  Therefore, it has been proven that methane can be used as an alternative power source.  


1.  I first learned that electric cars can go much faster than I originally thought. I was surprised to find out that there is really not much difference in their speed compared to the gas-powered car, even though they have much heavier batteries. I also thought it was interesting to know that the traction of the wheels on the pavement can affect the speed of a car, not just the control of the car.  With an electric car, you would not be able to drive an electric vehicle across the country, but it would be great for everyday use.  It would be much less expensive and would not cause pollution!

2.  I learned that carbon dioxide & methane gas are the 2 main elements that make our planet warmer, which is very bad for our Earth. I learned that carbon dioxide reached a higher temperature faster than other chemicals used, causing the ice to melt the fastest.

3.  In the Cow Calamity video, I learned that cow dung produces methane gas as it decays. I learned that if methane gas could replace electricity in lawnmowers, that there could possibly be other ways we could conserve energy by doing other experiments such as this. I wonder if methane gas could run a car?