What  A  Method!

Kristal's documentary on the scientific method for Mr.Carothers 6th grade science class.

The 7 parts of the scientific method are:


1. Ask a question, or state a problem that you would like to know the answer to.

2. Conduct several research missions, and gather information.                     

3. Create a hypothesis based on the data that you have already collected.

4. Preform an experiment to prove your hypothesis is either right or wrong, and to collect a much more accurate answer.

5. Analize the data from the vital experiment process descibed in part 4.

6. Draw several conclusions based on the analized data of your experiments, and research combined.

7. Repeat the experiment if your hypothesis was correct, and revise the experiment if your hypothesis was incorrect. Also, if your hypothesis was incorrect, devise another hypothesis based on the newly gathered information.

Question-Are electric vehicles a lot slower than regular vehicles?

Hypothesis-An electric car will most likely be a lot slower that a gas car.

The manipulated variable (mv) is that they are using an electric vehicle.

The responding variable (rv) is the prefomance of the electric vehicle compared to the preformance of the gas vehicle.

The controled variable (cv) is that they are using a gas vehicle.

The mythbusters collectedmuch important data.For the most part,  they compared how electric vehicles preformed differently to the gas vehicles.

When the child was blindfolded, and Jamie was earplugged, they were put into cars, but not told wich car they were in, they noticed that the electric car was slower starting than the gas, but after it was started it went about the same speed as the gas one.

the two go carts were alike to each other in many ways, and the electric one was only 2 seconds slower. But, beleive it or not, the electric vehicle was 150 pounds mor heavy than the gas ones.

Then the raced a gas motercycle againt an electric one. once again, the electric one was much heasvyer, but it was still onlt a second slower than the gas one.

The last experiment was a Ferrari raced againt an  electric race car. electric car one!


The conclusion... Myth Busted!

Global Warming

Question-Do greenhouse gasses really make the planet warmer?

Hypothesis-If you increase the amount of greenhouse gasses, carbon dioxide, and methane, then the temperature will rise.

The mythbusters did a bit of research for their question.They were not sure if they could test this one in the lab. A professor advised that they should be able to do that though.

The manipulated variable (mv) was increasing the amount of methane/carbon dioxide in the air.

the responding variable (rv) was the temperature inside the greenhouses that they made.

The controlled variables (cv) were the size of, and the temperature inside every one of  the greehouses. 


First, the mythbusters set up 4 idinticle greenhouses.

The first one of the set was mostly carbon dioxide.

The second one of the set was filled wth mosdtly methane.

 the last 2  had normar air in them.

 each greenhouse was set up to have the same amount of light in them. the light took the place of natural sun lighth. their goal was to examine, and compare how quickly each of 4 identicle ice sculptures melted.

The carbon dioxide, and methane greenhouses were each about one degree warmer than the greenhouses with normal air in them.


The conclusion... Myth Confermed!

The Cow Calamity

Question-Is  the methane produced by cows dangerouse for the enviorment?

Hypothesis 1-Because cows produce a lot of methane,  are they bad for the enviorment?

Hypothesis 2-can you use the methane produced by cows as a power source?


THe mythbusters did a bit of research for this experiment. They learned that the methane that is produced by the cows that populate the world has a great affect on our atmosphere. This answered their question, and proved that their first hypothesis was correct.

Next, they changed their hypothesis. they decided apon experimenting to see if the methane produced by the cows can be used as a power source.

The manipulated variable (mv) was that they used methane instead of the usual powersource, gassoline, in a normal lawn mower.

the responding variable (rv) was that they were able to use a deadly greenhouse gas as an efficient power souce intead of letting it further polute our planed.

The controlled variable (cv) was that they used a normal lawn mower in their experiment.

The thing that was what the mythbusters did was to collect methane from cow recyclings.they baught a machine that would help the cow recylings break down faster than normal and create methane gas.

The mythbusters used the methane gas from the cow recyclings to power a lawn mower and mow a lawn.They then found out that the dairy farm that they collocted the recyclings from powered most of the farm with methane gas. The methane gas was used to power about 90%  of the farm.


This myth was different from the others in the fact that it had two parts.

The first part was comfirmed.

the second part was also comfirmed.

What I learned from this video


In the electric vehicles part of the video, I learned that electric vehicles can go about as fast as regular gas vehicles. Also, electric vehicles weigh a lot more, because of their batteries, so it slows them down.


In th greenhouse gasses part of the video, I learned that greenhouse gasses such as carbondioxide make the planets temperature rise. I think that it is amazing how much of a difference one degrees can make in our climate.


Lastly, in the cow calamity part of the video, I learned that, amazingly, cows are the main producers of methane gas. I also leaned that methane is as much as 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Did you know that methane can power a lawn mower, or a farm, or other things that run on gassoline? well, that's another thing that I learned.