Web 2.0 Tools

"Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

By: Kylee Olson

Edu 210

  • Splash Math

  • Spelling City

  • ABC Letter Tracing

  • Play Science I

  • ToDo Telling Time



Splash Math is an interactive math app that allows users to practice their math skills on an interactive work-sheet. This could be used in an education setting because it teaches children basic math concepts in a fun and interactive manner. Concepts such as addition, subtraction, and place value are all adressed in the grade one level of the app. Potential barriers are broken with the use of this app because the material is presented to students in a fun and engaging way, also students would be able to get feed-back right away from the app and teachers and correct their answers immeadiately. The app is for the I-pad, so this would only be appropriate if the students had I-pads, but the app is free, unless you choose to purchase the full app, which is just  $ 4 . 99 . The app can be found at: splashmath.com.There is no age restriction on this app either.


Spelling City is an online web-site that allows users to practice their spelling and vocabulary skills. In an educational setting this app has many possibilities for improving students spelling and vocabulary skills. The app and web-site are both free, but the Premium features can be purchased online for $ 49 . 99 per classroom for a whole year of use. Breaking down potential barriers to learning vocabulary skills is made easy with the wide range of games and interactive activities on the web-site. The app is for all ages with no age restrictions. You can find more information on the app at: spellingcity.com

"Image courtesy of digitalart/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

ABC Letter Tracing is a free app that teaches children to write letters, both capital and lower case. In the classroom this would be a great app for students who are having trouble writing in the lines and spacing letters appropriatley. This could remove barriers some students may have with writing in the correct spaces, and by being able to trace and erase easily with the app, and have sounds and other features, students may experience more success on the app than traditional pen and paper. The app can be located at: ABC Letter Tracing. The app is free, and aimed at younger children, although many grade one students could potentially have issues with writing and require additional assistance. The app would require I-Pad access to the students as well. There is no specific age restrictions on this app either.

"Image courtesy of nongpimmy/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

Play Science I is an interactive science app that teaches grade one level concepts. This app would be the perfect addition to a science lesson for grade one students, giving them information on space, plants and other basic concepts. Barriers would again be brought down because of the fun and engaging nature of this app, students can also practice skills at home if they have access to an I-Pad. This app is $ 7 . 99 and aimed towards students 6+, but would require I-Pad use. There are no specific age requirements, but again it is geared towards students over 6 years of age. The app can be found here: PlayScienceI

"Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

ToDo Telling Time is an app that helps users understand the basic concepts of telling time. Educationally this app is great for first graders as time telling is a concept they begin to explore, and this app has many great features that allow it to benefit young learners. To reduce confusion and difficulties that many students have when starting to tell time, this app has an engaging and fun approach to telling time. The app costs $ 4 . 99 and requires access to an I-pad. Again there is no specific age requirements for the app users. The app can be found at : ToDo