The Peacock that was Ashamed

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By: Christina Beck

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    Once there was a peacock that was ashamed of his voice. He spent most of his time complaining about how much he disliked it.

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"Although you may not like your voice, look at how beautiful your feathers are" said the Alligator.

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“I have never met another animal that has such beautiful feathers filled with so many colors” said the fish. 

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" Well, what good is all this beauty when I have such an unappealing voice" said the peacock.

"Each one of us has unique gifts and features. Your unique feature is your beautiful feathers. The alligator has a strong tail, the fish has shiny scales, I have the ability to swing, and the butterfly has pretty wings” said the monkey. 

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“Rather than focusing on what we don’t have, we need to be grateful for what we do have” said the butterfly.

The Peacock began to realize that all of his other animal friends were right. He developed confidence and became proud of the beautiful feathers that made him unique.

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