
Author: Renee Taylor

Original Author: Gail Gibbons

tornado on road
tornado on road


A tornado begins inside of a cumulonimbus cloud . The sky becomes very dark and a twisting column of moist air extends down from the dark cloud and touches the ground.  Tornadoes are loud due to their strong winds, which also make them dangerous.

fujita scale
fujita scale

The scale used to measure the force of a tornado is called the Fujita Tornado Scale .  It ranges from F0 (lowest) to F5 (highest).  A tornado is classified based on how much damage it causes.  

In the United States, there are two areas that experience the most tornadoes.  The first region is Florida where tornadoes most during the months of January, Februrary, and March.  The second region is called Tornado Alley  and makes up the plain states in the center of the U.S.  The tornadoes here are the most dangerous and happen most often in April, May, and June. 

tornado alley map
tornado alley map