Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs

Book Cover

Lauber, P. & Keller, H. (Illustrator).  (1995).  Who eats what?: Food chains and food webs.  New York: HarperCollins.

Food is the fuel our bodies need.  Food keeps us alive. We get the energy we need to grow and move from the foods we eat.  All humans and animals need food.

All food chains begin with green plants.  Green plants are living things that can make their own food.  These plants get energy from sunlight, water, and air.  Every animal depends on green plants for food, even animals that don't eat plants.

Sometimes people talk about catching krill for human food.  Ocean animals also eat krill.  If humans eat all of the krill, the ocean animals will die.  One change in the food chain causes other changes and every plant and animal is impacted.