
A blue whale - the biggest animal ever!

What are whales?

Whales are the largest sea creatures on Earth. They are mammals, and they live in the ocean. 

The biggest animal ever known is the blue whale!

What do whales look like?

Whales can be many different shapes or sizes! Most whales are a blue-green color, which is the same color as the ocean. Their color helps them camouflage  themselves. 

Whales also have a blowhole  on the top of its head. They breathe through their blowhole . When whales come to the surface for air, the blowhole  spouts out vapor

Scientists can tell types of whales apart by the shape of their spouts!

Types of Whales

There are two types of whales: Baleen Whales  and Toothed Whales.

Baleen Whales

These whales do not have teeth. Instead, they use their baleen to trap krill  and plankton

These whales have two blowholes on their head.

Some examples of Baleen Whales are Humpback Whales and Blue Whales.

Toothed Whales

These whales have sharp teeth that they use to eat fish, squid, and octopus. 

This type of whale only has one blowhole on its head.

Some examples of Toothed Whales are Killer Whales, Sperm Whales, and Dolphins.

Life as a Whale

Whales usually live in groups called herds

All whales like to jump out of the water. This is called breaching

A whale breaching