The Beginnings Of Modern Day Structures




Written & Illustrated

By: Julienne Roberts


Imagine 30,000 years ago that you are living in the wilderness without shelter.

In this time period, man moved from place to place living off the land. They did not have the skills needed to build shelters. So, they endured the bad weather. They got wet in the rain and slept in the hot sun.

Then one day someone had an idea. They built the first tents out of animal skin and tree trunks. These tents could be transported and gave them shelter from the forces of nature.

Soon people stopped moving around and settled down as farmers. They planted vegatables, wheat, barley and domesticated animals. Their new lifestyle required shelters that were larger, stronger and comfortable.

These structures were specially made using different types of building materials to cope with weather conditions.

  • In moderate climates they used mud mixed with straw.
  • Hotter climates used poles and thatched roofs.
  • For cold climates they built structures out of logs or stones set on top of one another.

As people built it was easy to get lost. They needed a way to connect the structures. So, they made paths that allowed them to get from one place to the next.Later, roads were built that connected villages.

Roads that crossed rivers and streams needed a bridge. Bridges were made out of trunks supported by wood poles. In the mountains they made a kind of suspension bridge out of vegetable fiber rope and wooden planks for decks.

Mother nature has not changed. Man still has to think of new creative ways to withstand weather. By improving on ancient techniques, today we can build high- tech structures that are suitable to our hectic lifestyles.

We have built towers that stretch to over 1,454 feet tall, stadiums that hold about 80,000 people and suspension bridges that cross rivers over 5,000 feet wide!