A Day at the Farm

Farm in the distance

Story by Ben Graff

Narration by Ben & Kylie Graff

Images by multiple authors are licensed under CC BY 2.0

Kids at the farm

Joe and his friends went to the farm. Sophie was from France. Bastian was from Germany.

What did they see?

grumpy pig

“That is a pig!” said Joe.

“C'est un cochon!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Schwein!” said Bastian.

grumpy cow

“That is a cow!” said Joe.

“C'est une vache!” said Sophie.

“Das ist eine Kuh!” said Bastian.

chicken by fence

“That is a chicken!” said Joe.

“C'est un poulet!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Huhn!” said Bastian.

rooster flapping wing

“That is a rooster!” said Joe.

“C'est un coq!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Hahn!” said Bastian.

dog with soccer ball

“That is a dog!” said Joe.

“C'est un chien!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Hund!” said Bastian.

goofy-eye goat

“That is a goat!” said Joe.

“C'est une chèvre!” said Sophie.

“Das ist eine Zeige!” said Bastian.

white horse by fence

“That is a horse!” said Joe.

“C'est un cheval!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Pferd!” said Bastian.

sheep in field

“That is a sheep!” said Joe.

“C'est un mouton!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Schaf!” said Bastian.

fox by a tree

“That is a fox!” said Joe.

“C'est un renard!” said Sophie.

“Das ist ein Fuchs!” said Bastian.

Red barn reflecting in a pool of water

What a great day at the farm!