Web 2.0 in the Secondary Classroom

Web 2.0 Tools for English Language Arts and English as a Second Language 7 - 12

  • iMovie

  • Twitter

  • Skype

  • EnglishClub

  • Conclusion


All about iMovie

iMovie is an app that is include in Mac products. It is used to create videos. It can be used in a variety of ways including to edit pre-recorded live video, to narrate pictures found online, or to narrate pictures that were taken by the student. It incorporates video, audio, and text and can be used in a variety of ways that adapt to the learner.

iMovie could be used in an English Language Arts class to film a video project or to support a class presentation. For example, in my own high school English classes we were tasked with filming an adaptation of a scene from a Shakespeare novel. This could then be edited in iMovie and iMovie could be used to save and share the video for class presentation.

As iMovie can be used in a variety of ways including audio, video/visual, and text it is well-suited to adapt to various learner needs. It could be used in place of a formal class presentation or to support a class presentation. Students can choose which components of iMovie best suit their learning styles for a class assignment.

iMovie does not have an age limit, but I feel that it would be best suited for grades 7-12 as it is a sophisticated technology.

All about Twitter

Twitter is an example of a social networking app that can be used to share ideas and connect people. It is used to link to articles, websites, pictures, and videos. Twitter is used through a personal profile.

Twitter in the Classroom

Twitter can be used in a variety of ways in education. An innovative way that I have heard of Twitter being used in education is that students are assigned a character from a novel or work of fiction that they will then create a Twitter page for. They are then asked to post text, links to content, and the like that coincide with the character. I feel that this is a great reflective exercise as it requires students to take the perspective of a character and think deeply about how they would present themselves in the modern moment. Twitter can also be used as a way to share resources with a class or for students to connect with experts outside of their community or classroom.

Twitter is an example of a flexible technology. There are a variety of ways to interact on Twitter include posting, reposting, linking, and using the “favourite” button. This ability to use and share content in a variety of ways makes the website flexible and adaptable to different learning styles.

Twitter discourages the use of its site by users under the age of 13. However, this is not a requirement and Twitter does not ask the age of users when they sign up for an account. This recommended age limit makes it suitable for the 7 - 12 classroom. 

All about Skype

Skype is an application that uses audio conferencing, video conference, and instant messaging. This application provides a direct way to connect with people in an extended, personal and conversational way. This is different than the short and often anonymous way that users may connect through Twitter. Skype can be used to make voice calls, video calls, or text message with other Skype users.

Skype in the Classroom

Skype can be used in the classroom in a variety of ways. For example, in an English Language Arts class Skype could be used to video conference in a guest lecturer – perhaps even the creator of a worker being studied in class. Another way that Skype could be used is for students to video conference students in another community. This would allow students to connect with people outside of their school that have different and diverse perspectives. It would encourage collaboration in new and exciting ways!

Skype allows for a different kind of engagement with material. Instead of reading a text interview or article, a student can engage with an expert in a dialogue. This active learning process could be used to supplement other reading assignments or to substitute for other assignments.

Skype does not have a legal age limit. However, Skype is an application that requires both a user to sign up and to download the application on their computer. Therefore, personal technology is required to use Skype. 


All about EnglishClub

EnglishClub is a website that provides tools to both help an educator teach English as a second language or to support students that are learning English as a second language. This includes activities, games, videos, and other resources for students. For educators, the site provides lesson plans, worksheets, online forums, and other resources. 

EnglishClub in the Classroom

EnglishClub can be used in a variety of ways in education. It includes both static and interactive components, as well as both individual and collaborative components. It can be used to help support an educator in preparing ESL materials, but can also be a useful resources to direct students to.

EnglishClub has many different resources that can appeal to different learning styles. There are individual activities, collaborative components, interactive components, and static components. The sheer variety of resources make this a useful website to aid in UDL goals.

There is no age requirement to use EnglishClub, but resources are sometimes grade specific. 


In this presentation, I explored four tools for the secondary English Language Arts and English as a Second Language classroom. 

iMovie is a Mac application that can be used to create videos with  pre-exisiting or student created images, video, and audio. 

Twitter is a social networking site where students can share resources and conncet with other experts and peers.

Skype is an application that allows for dialogue and connection via audio conferencing, video conferencing, or text messaging.

EnglishClub is a student and teacher resource for English as a Second Language. 

Combined these tools represent just a few of many Web 2.0 tools that can be used in education today.