Web 2.0 Tools for K-12 Education 

Web 2.0

Edmodo                         3

Glogster                         6

Ispeech                          9

Edmodo Logo
Edmodo Logo

Edmodo is a website made for teachers, students, and parents.  It allows teachers students and parents to all stay connected even from home.  It is often refered to as the 'facebook for schools' because it is very similar to facebook, but made more for a school environment.  

Educational Use 

Teachers can post online discussions for the students to ask the teacher questions as well as ask their peers and discuss their topics.  The teachers can also give the parents the information to get onto the site where they can monitor their childs activity and are able to see what they are learning about.  Edmodo is very good for peer-support. 


How it can remove barriers 

Some stuents are afraid to speak up in class and ask questions.  With Edmodo, it gives them the chance to talk with their peers and teachers from home and on their computer where they may be a little bit less shy.  It also allows students to get that extra help from their peers outside of the classroom.  It is good for parents to be able to check and see what their kids are learning about in class as well because some students don't always share that infomation with their parents.  If parents know what their children are working on in school they are able to help them better. 

Terms of Use 

They do not outline a certain age group of students that should use edmodo in the terms of use.  

Glogster Image

Glogster is a web 2.0 tool that allows people to make interactive posters online.  You can use pictures, text, music, videos, and lots more.

Educational Use 

Glogster did not start off as a website for teachers and students but turned into one when the developed Glogster EDU.  There are plenty of templates to choose from that work with all the subjects taught in school.  Teachers can use these to make posters and print out to give to students or have around their classrooms, or students can make their own posters for certain projects that they need to do in class. 

How it can remove barriers 

Glogster is good for students who may have a hard time expressing themselves on paper, drawing and coloring.  With glogster, they can still create a poster, but online so they can use clipart and online text which they may be able to be more creative with.

Terms of Use

They do not provide an age that is appropriate to use glogster in their terms of use. 


Ispeech is a tool that allows someone to type or speak into a device and the device will say your word or phrase back to you.

Educational Use 

Ispeech can be used in the classroom by students to help students to speak more clearly, or learn the language better.  A teacher can get the students to work in pairs perhaps one student with a stronger vocabulary and one with a weaker vocabulary and they can use the ipad together to practice saying different words and quotes that the teacher has given them to practice.

How it helps barriers 

Ispeech will really help ESL students, students with speech problems and visually impaired students.  The teahcer can give students words and phrases to say and practice with the device.  When it repeats it back to them they will hear how the word is supposed to sound and can make adjustments in their speech.  This would work well for ESL students and students with speech problems.  For students who are visually impaired, this app would help them be able to read.  The text that they need to read can be converted into speech and they will be able to hear it.

Terms of Use  

The terms of use does not state an appropriate age to use this app.