The Rabbit and the Turtle

"I'm faster than you!" shouted Rob the Rabbit as he sped down the road.  Tommy the Turtle was getting very annoyed at all the teasing Rob had been doing to him so Tommy challenged Rob to a race at the playground afer school.

All of their friends showed up to the race and Freddy the Fox offered to set up a course for them.  Rob laughed and said that Tommy will never have a chance at beating him. 

The race started and Rob took off as fast as he could while Tommy slowly followed behind.  Rob could see the finish line but none of his friends or Tommy had made it close to the finish line yet, so he decided to rest under a tree until everyone was close enough to see him win the race. 

As Rob was sitting under the tree, he fell asleep.  Tommy finally made his way across the playground to the finish line and all of his friends were there to see him finish before Rob.  As Rob woke up, he declared that it was not fair and Tommy replied with, "Slow and steady always wins the race!"