
Haunted House

By: Laura Mueller

Halloween was only a few days away which meant it was time to go trick-or-treating. This year, Peyton was finally old enough to go without his parents. He had called his friends and the plans had been made. Only two more days and the big day would finally be here.

It was finally Sunday, which meant it was time to go trick-or-treating! Peyton was very excited and could not wait for it be two o'clock. He changed into his pirate costume and anxiously waited on the porch for his friends to arrive.

Finally, his friends had arrived and they were off to go trick-or-treating. They had gone to a lot of houses and had gotten a lot of candy. It looked like this year would be the year that Peyton would fill up his whole bag. Until, the boys came to the house that the whole town said was haunted.

They all stood their looking at the haunted house.

"Go up on the porch and knock on the door," one boy said.

"No way! You do it," said another boy.

"Fine! I'll do it," Peyton said bravely.

The other boys couldn't believe what they heard! Would he really do it? They all stood on the sidewalk as Peyton made his way up the stairs towards the front door.

Peyton had made his way up to the door. He was really nervous and he thought about turning back, but he had come too far to turn back now. He turned around to look at his friends before knocking. They were huddled together with scared looks on their faces. Peyton took a deep breathe and put up his hand to knock on the door. Before he could knock on the door, the door opened.

Peyton stood their with his hand in the air, frozen with fear. His friends all screamed and ran away, leaving Peyton alone on the porch. An old man stepped out of the shadows and said hello to Peyton.

"H-h-hello," said Peyton nervously. "I didn't mean to disturb you, sir."

"It's alright," said the old man. "It's been a long time since any children have come and knocked on my door for trick-or-treating. I'm glad that you did."

Peyton gotsome candy from the old man and thanked him. He ran up the street to catch up with his friends. He told them how nice the old man was and how he felt bad that no children go trick-or-treating at his house. But, from that year on, Peyton and his friends always stopped by the old man's house for trick-or-treating.