The singer Coqui

By: Stephanie Hernandez

Once upon a time, in a little island called Puerto Rico lived a singer named, Coqui.


The singer Coqui, sang in the morning, "coqui, coqui". He sang in the evening, "coqui, coqui". He also sang at night, "coqui, coqui". The singer Coqui sang all day, every day, "coqui, coqui".

One morning, Coqui was not able to sing, "Coqui, coqui". He tried and tried and he was not able to sing. Coqui decided to go to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told him that the only way he could sing again is if he were to bring him 3 items back. A quenepa, a leaf from a palm tree and a coconut. With these 3 items, the doctor would be able to bring his singing voice back. 

During his journey to get the items, Coqui ran into some trouble. He was able to get the quenepa and coconut easily, but the palm tree leaf is what gave him trouble. Coqui did not notice that he was taking a palm tree leaf from a lizard who lived under it. When the lizard noticed what was going on he snatched the leaf back making it break in half! The lizard got really mad and started yelling at Coqui. Coqui got scared and started to cry. He began to apologize and started to explain to the lizard that he needed the palm tree leaf so the docor could help him get his singing voice back. After a few seconds, the lizard accepted his apology and helped him look for another palm tree leaf.

Once Coqui had all 3 items, he hopped all the way back as fast as he could. He met up with the doctor who mixed all the 3 items together and made a drink for Coqui to drink. When Coqui finished drinking it, he cleared his throat and let out a beautiful "coqui, coqui"! Coqui was so happy that he hopped so high and gave the doctor a big ol' hug!

So like any other day, the singer Coqui, sang in the morning, "coqui, coqui". He sang in the evening, "coqui, coqui". He also sang at night, "coqui, coqui". The singer Coqui sang all day, every day, "coqui, coqui".