2 dogs in bow of boat
Two jack russells wearing life jackets, peering over the bow of a kayak as it approaches the beach.Photograph @ Anne Meyer 2009

Joe and Angel were on their way to play at their favorite place.

Scrunch! The kayak scraped onto the beach. The two dogs jumped onto the sand.

Joe started sniffing around. He wanted to explore. But Angel wanted to play ball!

Terry's Tips

When you start reading the story with young children, have them click on Percie and Emo to see that Joe and Angel each have a different expectation for their day at the beach.

Notice that the prompt asks readers think about the dogs' favorite place and to think about whether they have a favorite place too. Prompts like these help children relate personally to the characters.

Self reflection can improve children's thinking skills and behavior. To learn more read this article: How Planning and Reflection Develop Young Children's Thinking Skills.