Text to Speech

You can use Text To Speech to have the computer read the story out loud to you. 

Click on the text to speech icon and then click where you want to read.Use the green arrow to start reading, and click on the red square to stop reading.



In the excerptsyou will see words that are underlined with a dotted    line. This is a hyperlink to the glossary. You can click on any underlined word to see its definition instantly. 

If you are unsure of any other words, you can use the online dictionary at www.dictionary.com



In this book you will see coaches. They will ask you questions about the text and give you ideas and models for how to answer them. 


Response Areas

You will notice that there are places for you to write your responses to the questions or take notes. Anything you type there will be TEMPORARILY saved while you are reading the story. Make sure to COPY the work onto your notes page before you leave the story.