Bubbl.us Logohttp://teachwithclass.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/bubbl-us-logo.jpg


      Bubbl.us is a great Web 2.0. This gives you the ability to use a free mindmapping tool. It can be useful to plan, or summarize topics of your choice. This tool is an easy way for students and teachers to create a mind map on a computer.

Bubble.us in the Classroom

       Bubble.us makes brainstorming so much easier to do! Using this tool in an upper elementary- high school aged students would be most beneficial. If you have at least a limited knowledge of computers, this program is very easy to use. This tool is benefical to students who have difficulty brainstorming on paper, or vocalizing their thoughts. It is also great for students with impaired vision as you have the ability to zoom. The effect of changing colour to the bubbles, is great for students to customize their work and for those who prefer their work color coded.

      From looking at their website I could not find a limitation on the age for registration. But with the need for limited experience with computers, I would advice sticking to the age group previously stated.