She explained, "A shooting star is a beautiful streak of light that falls through the sky.  It is caused by tiny bits of dust and rock called meteoroids that fall into the Earth's atmosphere and burn up.  The beautiful streak of light that falls is called a meteor.  If any part of the meteoroid doesn't burn all the way and hits the Earth, it is then called a meteorite."

Max thought it would be the coolest thing he would ever see in his life and was so excited to see one, "How can I find it?"

She then explained, "There are many shooting stars and you just have to be looking in the sky at the right time!  They are most likely to be seen at night during certain times of the year when meteor showers occur.  They occur when the Earth passes through the debris left by a comet as it orbits the Sun.  Since it is summer, watch out your window at night and you may see one."