play audio (bell rings)

Kendra: Hi Mister Strong! What are we doing today? I have my homework to turn in. I am glad that I am not late again. I don't like having to stay after school when I have been tardy, plus I miss things.

Luke:I am going to see if I can slip in here without Mister Strong knowing, I am late again...I cannot handle another after school detention. I also want to get a good grade in here.

Mister Strong: I see you Luke, I know you can do better than that, what is holding you up in the hallway?

Luke: I don't know, Mister Strong...

Mister Strong: Well, think about it, I know you can figure out how to handle things so that you get in here on time Luke. Remember when we talked about triggers the other day? Did you think about what your triggers are? They are things that might get you into trouble if you are not careful?

Luke: Okay Mister Strong I will try harder.

What sorts of triggers have you heard in the story so far? Do they remind you of anything that happens in your life at school? What? How do you handle them?

Student response:

Think for a moment about triggers that could make you late for class and how you handle it,write it, then we will discuss.