yeast clear

In 1953 Dr Orian Truss discovered the devastating effects of antibiotics in an Alabama (USA) hospital. Dr. Crook showed a way to fight this condition and limit it’s symptoms by “starving” the yeast with a special and severe method of eating called the Candida diet.


Keeping the infected areas clean is always a way to help out the infection. Some of the medical options are Yeast Clear, Vare ferm, and Vagi sooth. An alternative would be Probiotics.

The Future of Treatment
Antifungal drugs may often have poor corneal penetration, as they are routinely administered on an hourly basis for weeks at a time, day and night.  However, emerging new therapies aim to change that aspect: one new technology is a contact lens that elutes econazole, an antifungal medication of the imidazole class. The lens is designed to treat and prevent fungal ocular infections and results showed that the release of 16mg of econazole killed 100% of fungi for 21 days. An antifungal contact lens provides a one-two punch by reducing the treatment burden in addition to increasing patient compliance.

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